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Decentralized Digital GOLD Token

No Fees

Earn up to 2.5% in rewards shopping here*


London Gold Fix 1 gram $0

USDTUSDTPolygon logo
NGOLDNGOLDPolygon logo
Daily Buy Limit
Used:0,0000 USDT/0,0000 USDT

The best way to own GOLD Investment

Price based on London GOLD Fixing

With the Security of Polygon Blockchain

Staking 0% anual

*NGOLD rewards you with 1,5% if you buy between 8 USDT and 49.999 USDT; with 2,0% if you buy from 50.000 to 99.999 USDT; and with 2,5% if you buy from 100.000 to 3.000.000 USDT, once per purchase, only by shopping here on the DEX-P2P: . NGOLD Tokens purchased on this DEX-P2P or in the P2P market cannot be sold on . NGOLD’s goal is to promote P2P trading in order to achieve a higher volume of Token transactions, incentivizing users and thereby promoting the usability and benefits of NGOLD.

By clicking on: BUY NOW, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of

Total in reserves: Funding 0,0000 NGOLD.